日本財団 図書館


present maximum speed of 120 km/h to a speed level of 150 km/h. Though the adaptability to speed change can be basicaly expected, take actions necessary for a new speed level.


(1) Level crossing


(a) Improve the safety of defenseless level crossings nearby urban area of high traffic density by setting a crossing barrier to the level crossings. (About 25 places for a traffic density of 3,000 vehicles or more.)


(b) Prepare adaptation at level crossings so that each pedestrian passing under a crossing barrier or ignoring the warning and each pedestrian and car passing through a defenseless level crossing with a small traffic density can recognize the approach of a train.


(2) Entrance into permanent way


(a) Install boundary fence at necessary points because of a special condition nearby an urban area.


(b) Apply previous PR about new transport operations to passers along the railway line to expect their stepwise adaptation.


(3) Passengers at station and so on


Prepare a caution awaking method for passengers on the platform of a station and persons engaged in permanent-way operations where a train passes at a high speed.


4.3.4 Signal and security equipment


(1) Staff tablet transfer


A ball token of a staff tablet is used between Sila At and Chiang Mai and staff tablets are exchanged every station to secure the safety of train operation. However, staff tablet transfer is performed between a crew member and a stationmaster. Therefore, when a train passes through a station at a very high






